Friday, May 20, 2011

Exercise with diet

We spend a lot of time recommending which foods to consume and which foods to avoid in developing a healthier lifestyle. In our recommendations we point to the studies done by T. Colin Campbell and Caldwell B. Esselstyn as proof that plant-based diets are a key component in improving your health

However, even though Dr. Campbell and Dr. Esselstyn spend the majority of their books suggesting the best foods to consume, it should not be assumed that they believe that only a healthy diet is enough. If their lifestyles are any indication, they believe a healthy diet should be complemented with regular exercise for the best results. Although both men are in their late-70s, Campbell continues to run to stay in shape, and Esselstyn, a former Olympic rowing champion, still lifts weights, swims a mile every day, and bikes. Even Esselstyn's wife, Ann, runs, weight trains and practices yoga.

If there's more to be learned from these three it's that it's never too late to start exercising. Whether you're in your 30s or your 70s, it's important to stay active. The key is finding forms of exerise fit for your present physical conditions. Consult a professional in determining what kind of exercise is best for your current physical state.

Staying persistent is the key. Do whatever it takes to motivate you to continue exercising. Set goals and challenges for yourself (once again, never do more than your health permits you). Pair up with an exercise partner to motivate each other.

Like Dr. Esselstyn says, you are in control.

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